Seek Beauty

Seek the beauty over bombarded negativity


I recently conducted a survey question asking, “Can something positive be seen in any situation or circumstance? The results, to me, were astounding. 44% said ‘absolutely’ something positive can be seen in any scenario and 56% said it ‘depends on mindset.’

The biggest thing that surprised me about these results was, if our mindset can change our perspective on any given situation why do we tend to gravitate toward negatives? Negativity surrounds us and our world every day through the media, daily stresses and simply life in general can get us down. But, in a world bombarded with and catering to negativity, I believe we can make the choice to see things in a positive light or at least recognize the good in even the worst situations.

Many have heard the story I tell of a family I knew in Alaska.  A Christian family comprised of a father who was pastor at a local church, mother and five children. On a family outing one winter day, the snow fall picked up and became what is known in those parts as ‘white out’ meaning it is white everywhere you look, and you can see nothing in front of you. As the snow got worse, dad decides to pull over. As he was carefully merging on the icy roads, unable to see past his windshield the family van has a flat tire. The vehicle slides, skids and ends up horizontally in a ditch. The children, the oldest of which was in fifth or sixth grade, scream in panic until the van settles in the snow piled ditch. Once stopped, and checking the status of all passengers, the children began with cries of, “we’re going to be snowed in.” “We can’t see anything so others cannot see us. What if someone hits us.” “Worse yet, what if we die?” Mom chimed in and said, “Let’s not panic. In fact, let’s focus on what is good in this situation.” The children began with statements like, “we’re all together.” “We have a spare tire.” “We have our cellphones.” “AND we have service,” piped another child. In no time, the attitude inside that van went from panic to peace.

No matter the situation in your life, I encourage you, in fact I challenge you, Girl, it’s time to focus on the sparkle. It’s time to seek out the silver lining. If mindset can bring something positive to be seen in any situation or circumstance, then let’s bring it on with a vengeance and shine a light on the negativity of the world.


© c. michelle bryant

Michelle Bryant is an entrepreneur, nationally acclaimed award-winning artist, inspirational speaker, self-published author of four books available at most online retailers, a multi-award winning, published photographer whose work is nationally used for worldwide marketing campaigns and featured on various items including but not limited to apparel. She shines her light and speaks from her heart in an encouraging and transparent manner and offers a message of hope, healing, and victory to any who encounters her or her works. You can check out her multitude of works at:

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