Sizzle Your Summer Sales

Sizzle Your Summer Sales


Everything begins and ends with your attitude. In his book, 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, Dr. John C. Maxwell expresses, “Everything rises and falls on leadership.” While this is true, attitude comes into play long before leadership. It bears repeating: everything begins and ends with your attitude.

Most entrepreneurs and relationship marketing business owners believe that things are slow in the summer—the lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer. Those of you that know me know that I believe “We design our lives by the choices we make.” That being said, if you decide things will be slow in the summer—if this your attitude—you will NOT be hitting your goals or serving your family and community well. So, let’s talk about how you are going to design you summer and life.

Why did you start your business?…….. To find answers to this question and others grab the article here


Betsy Hayden holds a degree in Architecture and a minor in Drafting & Design. Working for 5 of the largest engineering firms in the world Betsy Used John Maxwell’s Leadership principles to lead successful teams. She is the CTO (Chief Thriving Officer) of Awesome Focus.She is a Certified Speaker, Trainer and Coach of The John Maxwell Team and Appreciation At Work. As a professional speaker she focuses on: Leadership,Team Building, Communication and Recognition. Betsy can be reached at: 843-597-6555 or emailed at:

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